Day 1
Deinonychus and a snack
I've always had an interest in paleontology and paleoart, especially dinosaurs. This is not a particularly unique quality, I will admit. I mention it because most of what I drew throughout middle- and high-school was dinosaurs. Paleoart, for a very long time, was the reason I kept drawing even as all my friends stopped and I ceased to see any real improvement. By November of 2021, I hadn't really drawn any serious dinos in quite a while, so I thought I'd take a month to remedy that. This ended up being especially fun as probably half or more of the creatures I drew ended up being suggestions from people who were excited about the whole thing.
Deinonychus and a snack
Suskityrannus & Zuniceratops
Domehead cavalary. (Pachycephalosaurus) Day 3 was when I decided to try to make it more my own thing, a little more weird than just doing black & white dino reconstructions
Mess with the bull, get the horns (Carnotaurus)
Guild Talonmaster (Microraptor)
On Triassic shores. First non-dino of the month: the temnospondyl amphibian Mastodonsaurus
Tamer of beasts (Protoceratops, but the proportions are way off)
¡Olé! (Another non-dinosaur: Dinodontosaurus)
Cruel Blades (Therizinosaurs)
River God (Spinosaurus)
Troodon and... friend?
Avisapiens Saurotheos. A bit of fanart of Simon Roy's and C.M. Kosemen's Dinosauroids that were a huge inspritation to me as a kid
Houndmistress (Boverisuchus)
The Old Man and the Sea (Pterodaustro)
The Herdsman (Maiasaura and a rauisuchian)
Say Cheese (Mononykus)
Gone but not forgotten (The Great Auk)
Sauromancer (Diplodocus)
Deep Dive (Tully Monster & Anomalocaris)
Gone Fishin' (Baryonyx & Dunkleosteus)
Street Looks (Kulindadromeus)
Lost in Time and Space (Parasaurolophus)
Beneath the Waves (Thalattoarchon)
Big Turkey (Deinonychus with turkey-like integument)
I ended up stopping at only 25 days as, at the time, I was still working a full-time non-art job and I also had a ton of commmissions to catch up with. Maybe one year I'll do it again.