The Ke’eke are a race of feral posthumans discovered living in Dyson Trees in orbit about a far-flung K2 star with no rocky planets and only three rather small gas giants. Their origin is a mystery, although they are likely the result of a long-forgotten colonization expedition, as indicated by the remnants of old satellites and other high-tech detritus strewn sparsely throughout the system.
There are about 40 inhabited “worldtrees” in the system, most of which are dominated by loose bands of hunter-gatherers. However, a few of the larger habitats, almost 3500 km in diameter, have progressed to proto-imperial state organization.
Based on genetic divergence of both the Ke’eke and the domesticated zero-G squid derivatives that are found on all but a few of the worldtrees, the Ke’eke are postulated to have lost their original level of technology some 1.75*10^6 kilohours (~200k Terran years) ago.