The Shifting City

My first work for Dank Dungeons / Alex Russo, who would later hire me to do AZAG. Still very proud of these pieces, the first ones I did that really felt professional. Not sure what it is about the cover, but I've gotten at least five other people explicitly asking for me to recreate something similar for them. This was a real resume-builder.

The Shifting City

Nexus of a hundred thousand dimensions, whose borders wander through space and time and whose inhabitants seem to have been uprooted from a hundred thousand worlds

The Merchant's Daughter

Taker of vengeance

Daggers in the Dark

An act played out in shadows and torchlight

The Reaver

"On a line of hempen rope, tied at the waist, the reaver breached the wound. His guns sang beams of spearing light until the voice of their battery packs died"

Another commission for Lex for a game that was never finished but I did it around the same time as Shifting City, so I figured I'd throw it here.